Aviation Frontiers, 1929-1969

Why are we doing this?
When I was a kid, one of the big events of the month was the arrival of my copy of Model Airplane News. This was in the 1950s when things like Radio Control, model jet engines, and fiberglass were evolving. There were pictures of incredibly detailed scale models as well as the skeleton-like indoor models covered with microfilm and every other permutation on less-than-full-size flight. I was amazed at the grown men who had workshops full of sophisticated tools as well as the money to buy engines and equipment that I could only dream of. With a lot of help from a sympathetic science teacher, I even got through some of the technical details of airfoils and RF modulation. And, of course, I made model airplanes. (Look at this page for more on that subject.)
My fondest memory, however was the stunning cover art done by Jo Kotula -- he was able to capture every kid's fantasies about airplanes, particularly when he showed an American fighter diving from the clouds with machine guns blasting away. I kept a lot of my copies of Model Airplane News (or M.A.N. as it is known to enthusiasts...) and I buy copies whenever they show up at flea markets. I have 285 copies stored in archival boxes. In addition to this, I live in Washington, DC with easy access to the collections of the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.
I was discussing M.A.N. with friends and was saddened to find that they had never heard of Jo Kotula even though he over 300 covers for M.A.N (and others for Popular Science and a host of miscellaneous publications). I searched the internet and was saddened to find that there was no website that paid tribute to Jo Kotula. (Although there were commercial galleries that sold his work for large dollars with little biography.) So, I decided to make one.
What about the folks who sell this stuff?
The online auctions often feature M.A.N. covers. The problem is that there is no ofiicial or unofficial index to the magazine. The sole purpose of this webpage is to answer the question "What was on the cover of Model Airplane News?" (...and to put the cover into historical context) All cover reproductions are reproduced in 72 dpi format, so they are not ruining the market for fine art. For some of the rarer covers, I even blurred the image. The intent is to build a market for these materials rather than destroy one. You should know that I don't sell anything -- and my intent is only to fill a historical vacuum. I have covered the first 40 years of M.A.N. from 1929 - 1969. Others can fill in the last 40 years. This material is for historical interest only -- the plans that have been reproduced are intentionally distorted -- you can look at them, get an idea about what you want and then order them from the Academy of Model Aeronautics, the current publishers of Model Airplane News or from the Cleveland Model and Supply Company. I am not connected with any of these organizations.
History of the Covers
Model Airplane News had eight different cover styles during the first forty years of publication. They began as "Boys Flying Adventures Model Airplane News" with the words superimposed above a propellor. The cover subject was a boy enjoying contact with aviation. This general theme held unti January of 1931, the cover style changed -- the propellor went away and the title became "Model Airplane News and Junior Mechanix". The cover subject was a rather fanciful drawing of a "hangar" on a dirigible. By May, 1931 the title stayed the same, but the format moved to a cover painting with a scene from "Wartime". These covers were drawn by R.C. Wardel, a commercial illustrator who did pulp magazine covers. Jo (then Josef) Kotula makes his debut in May, 1932 and stayed for more than 40 years.
Looking for a cover Style
The cover styles changed several times, but the format developed in October 1942 remained the same for the next 26 years. In 1968, M.A.N. merged with Radio Control Digest and the covers had a "split fomat" with an aviation subject dominating and a Radio Control product shown in a box.
The cover was always a painting of an airplane until the September 1948 issue featured a photograph of a free-flight competitor. The period from April, 1949 through May 1950 featured Kotula's drawings of people and model airplanes in competition. This includes:
As time passed, cover paintings diminished until there was only one of Kotula's masterpieces offered in 1969.
Other Art By Jo Kotula
In addition to his lengthy career as the cover artist for Model Airplane News, Jo Kotula also became famous for his illustrations of plastic models made by Aurora, a genre that has come to be known as "Box Art." As shown below, Kotula was a master not only of aircraft, but also submarines, tanks and howitzers, to name but a few:
Box Art by Jo Kotula
Click to Enlarge
Click here to see a slide show of all the Aurora boxes with art by Kotula that are in our collection.
Viewing the Covers
First of all, I'dlike to thank my friend Mike "The Modelhound of Bellingham" for helping me find some of the more obscure covers. He did a great job of scanning!
We several options for you to view the covers:
- Access through thumbnails: scroll down a few lines and you'll see a group of small thumbnail pictures -- they are actually "buttons" that you can click on to view a little "story" about the airplane that includes a full-size ".jpg" of the cover (at 72 dpi) plus photos, videos, patents and links for the plane (where available). The buttons are arranged by year starting with 1929
- View just the covers as a Slide Show: the grouping for each year offers you a hyperlink to a slideshow of the covers for that year
- View by cover subject: click here to go to a list of the 473 covers with information aout the subject. You can use the "find" button to locate a specific plane
- Access any way you want: Click here to download an EXCEL spreadsheet containing all the data (year, month, airplane, manufacturer and URL) You can sort that any way you want to find just what you are looking for.
Acess by Thumbnail "Buttons"
Click on a Button to Go There
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1929 thru 1932
Publication begins in July, 1929
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1929 thru 1932
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1929 thru 1932
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1929 thru 1932
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1933
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1934
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1935
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1936
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1937
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1938
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1939
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1940
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1941
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1942
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1943
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1944
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1945
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1946
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1947
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1948
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1949
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1950
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1951
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1952
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1953
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1954
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1955
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1956
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1957
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1958
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1959
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1960
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1961
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1962
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1963
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1964
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1965
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1966
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1967
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1968
View a SLIDE SHOW of Model Airplane News Covers from 1969
View by Cover Subject
For those of you who don't like buttons, here is an ordered list of the covers and the planes that are depicted thereupon. Good Luck!
- Jul,1929 First Issue
- Sep,1929 Rise Off Ground Biplane
- Dec,1929 Christmas at the Model Store
- Mar,1930 Painting a Model Floatplane
- Apr,1930 Model Boeing F4b with a flight of the same going overhead
- Jul,1930 Practicing With Controls
- Sep,1930 Tuning a Radial Engine
- Jan,1931 Dirigible and Parasite Fighter
- Mar,1931 Pfalz D.III
- Apr,1931 Fokker D.VII and Sopwith Dolphin
- May,1931 Caprioni Bomber fighting Pfalz Scouts
- Jun,1931 Rickenbacker's "Hat-in-the-Ring"Squadron over Cantigny
- Jul,1931 Morane-Saulnier/Etrich/Taube
- Sep,1931 Curtiss-Wright Junior
- Oct,1931 Friedrichshafen G3 Bomber
- Nov,1931 Sopwith Snipe shooting down a German L.V.G (C-V)
- Dec,1931 Sopwith Camel and Nieuport/German balloon
- Jan,1932 Fairey F-3 "Campania"
- Feb,1932 SE5A, FE2b, RE-8
- Mar,1932 Von Richthofen in his Fokker Triplane
- Apr,1932 Sopwith Triplane
- May,1932 Supermarine S6B Racing Seaplane
- Jun,1932 Curtiss A8 Attack Plane in Action
- Jul,1932 Hawker Fury
- Aug,1932 Curtiss"Sparrowhawk" (and the Dirigible USS Akron)
- Sep,1932 Boeing B-9 "Flying pencil" AKA "Death Angel"
- Oct,1932 Sopwith 5F.1 "Dolphin"
- Nov,1932 Friedrichshafen G.II
- Dec,1932 Heath Parasol
- Jan,1933 Northrop Alpha Mail Plane
- Feb,1933 Monocoupe
- Mar,1933 Travelair Spedwing
- Apr,1933 Benny Howard's "Ike"
- May,1933 Wedell-Williams racer
- Jun,1933 Granville Bros. "Gee Bee"
- Jul,1933 No July 1933 Issue
- Aug,1933 Boeing P12E
- Sep,1933 New Martin Bomber
- Oct,1933 Savoia-Marchetti S.55
- Nov,1933 Berliner--Joyce XFJ Shipboard Fighter
- Dec,1933 Curiss Sparrowhawk and the Macon
- Jan,1934 Northrop Gamma 2A YA-13
- Feb,1934 Consolidated P1Y1 "Admiral" Flying Boat
- Mar,1934 Lindbergh's Lockheed Sirius
- Apr,1934 Douglas DC-1
- May,1934 Kawasaki KDK5 Fighter
- Jun,1934 Russian Fighter D-1
- Jul,1934 Hanriot-Biche Pursuit
- Aug,1934 Beechcraft Model 17 "Staggerwing"
- Sep,1934 Macchi-Castoldi MC-72
- Oct,1934 Seversky SEV-3L
- Nov,1934 Curtiss F11C"Goshawk"
- Dec,1934 Douglas 043-A
- Jan,1935 Bellanca28-70 "Irish Swoop"
- Feb,1935 DeHaviland DH. 88 Comet
- Mar,1935 "Brown Special" racer
- Apr,1935 Northrup XFT Fighter
- May,1935 Vultee TV-1 ransport
- Jun,1935 Grumman FF-1 Fighter
- Jul,1935 New Curtiss XF13C Fighter
- Aug,1935 US Army Pitcairn PA-33 Autogiro
- Sep,1935 WACO WHD
- Oct,1935 Kinner Envoy
- Nov,1935 Stearman-Hammond Y-1 "Flivver"
- Dec,1935 Howard DGA-6 "Mister Mulligan"
- Jan,1936 Hughes H-1 Racer
- Feb,1936 FIAT A.R. Observation
- Mar,1936 US Navy Grumman F-2F1
- Apr,1936 New Hawker Single Seater ("Hurricane")
- May,1936 Vultee Light Bomber
- Jun,1936 Dewoitine D-5353 Fighter
- Jul,1936 Caproni CH.1
- Aug,1936 Curtiss SB2C "Helldiver"
- Sep,1936 Bleriot-SPAD S.33
- Oct,1936 Blackburn F7-30
- Nov,1936 Heinkel HE-70
- Dec,1936 Vought Pursuit V-143
- Jan,1937 Curtiss YA-18 Attack Plane
- Feb,1937 Frank Hawks "Time Flies" racer
- Mar,1937 Seversky 2PA
- Apr,1937 Koolhoven FK-55
- May,1937 Curtiss "Model 75" Pursuit (P36)
- Jun,1937 Hanriot H.220
- Jul,1937 Polikarpov I-5 Russian Military Pursuit Plane
- Aug,1937 Burnelli Transport
- Sep,1937 Latest Curtiss "Hawk" 75
- Oct,1937 Blackburn B-24 Skua
- Nov,1937 U.S. Navy Sikorsky Flying Dreadnought
- Dec,1937 Folkert Racer
- Jan,1938 Kawasaki KDA-5 and KI-10
- Feb,1938 Heinkel He 112
- Mar,1938 Bell YFM-1 "Airacuda"
- Apr,1938 Grumman XF-4F
- May,1938 Curtiss XP-37
- Jun,1938 Hall Aluminum Torpedo Plane
- Jul,1938 Boeing Stratoliner
- Aug,1938 Seversky Transatlantic Clipper
- Sep,1938 Russian Z.K.B.19 (Polikarpov I-17)
- Oct,1938 Brewster F2A "Buffalo"
- Nov,1938 Messerschmitt Bf-109
- Dec,1938 Amlot 341 Long Range Bomber
- Jan,1939 Handley-Paige "Hereford" Bomber
- Feb,1939 Curtiss Fighter XP-40
- Mar,1939 Fokker D-23
- Apr,1939 Curtiss-Wright CW-21 Interceptor-Fighter
- May,1939 Lockheed P-38 "Lightning"
- Jun,1939 Hamburg Ha-137
- Jul,1939 Bell XP-39 "Airacobra"
- Aug,1939 Savoia-Marchetti S79E "Sparviero"
- Sep,1939 Consolidated "No. 31" XP4Y "Corregidor"
- Oct,1939 Potez 63 Bomber Reconnaissance Fighter
- Nov,1939 Folkerts SK-3 "Jupiter"
- Dec,1939 Burnelli CB-34 Bomber
- Jan,1940 Douglas D8-7-B3 (A20) Attack Bomber Havoc
- Feb,1940 Republic XP-40
- Mar,1940 Curtiss XP-42
- Apr,1940 Douglas 8A5 Norwegian Attack Bomber
- May,1940 Vultee "Vanguard"
- Jun,1940 Curtiss XSO3C-1
- Jul,1940 Short "Sunderland"
- Aug,1940 Grumman XF5F Skyrocket
- Sep,1940 Consolidated B-24 Liberator
- Oct,1940 Chance-Vought F4U "Corsair"
- Nov,1940 Douglas B-19
- Dec,1940 Grumman G36 A
- Jan,1941 Blackburn "Roc"
- Feb,1941 Republic "Guardsman"
- Mar,1941 Martin B-26
- Apr,1941 Boulton-Paul Defiant
- May,1941 Brewster F2A "Buffalo"
- Jun,1941 Handley Page HP.52 Hampden (Mine layer)
- Jul,1941 Curtiss XS2C-1 "Helldiver"
- Aug,1941 Curtiss-Wright Model 20 Troop Transport
- Sep,1941 North American XP51 Mustang
- Oct,1941 Brewster SB2A-1 Dive Bomber "Bucaneer"/"Bermuda"
- Nov,1941 Bristol Beaufighter
- Dec,1941 Handley Page Halifax
- Jan,1942 Northrop N-1 Experimental
- Feb,1942 Curtiss P-40 Warhawk
- Mar,1942 Mitsubishi/Nakajima Ki-21 "Sally"
- Apr,1942 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
- May,1942 Douglas TBD "Devastator" Torpedo Bomber
- Jun,1942 Grumman F4F Wildcat
- Jul,1942 Westland "Whirlwind"
- Aug,1942 B-25 "Mitchell"
- Sep,1942 Grumman TBM "Avenger"
- Oct,1942 Boeing Searanger
- Nov,1942 Focke-Wulf 190
- Dec,1942 Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
- Jan,1943 Mitsubishi A6M Zero
- Feb,1943 Macchi C.202 Folgore
- Mar,1943 Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik
- Apr,1943 DeHaviland Mosquito
- May,1943 Douglas SBD "Dauntless"
- Jun,1943 Spitfire IX Pursuit
- Jul,1943 Lockheed P-38 "Lightning"
- Aug,1943 Messerschmitt Bf 110
- Sep,1943 Vultee A-31 "Vengeance"
- Oct,1943 Hawker Typhoon
- Nov,1943 Chance-Vought F4U "Corsair"
- Dec,1943 Douglas Havoc
- Jan,1944 Grumman "Hellcat"
- Feb,1944 Consolidated B-24 "Liberator"
- Mar,1944 Mitsubishi OB-01 (G4M) "Betty"
- Apr,1944 Consolidated PBY "Catalina"
- May,1944 North American P-51A Mustang
- Jun,1944 Avro Lancaster
- Jul,1944 Curtiss SB2C "Helldiver"
- Aug,1944 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
- Sep,1944 Boeing B-29 "Superfortress"
- Oct,1944 Northrop P-61 "Black Widow"
- Nov,1944 Martin B-26 Marauder
- Dec ,1944 Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
- Jan,1945 Bell P-59B Airacomet
- Feb,1945 Douglas A-26 "Invader"
- Mar,1945 Bell P-63 "KingCobra"
- Apr,1945 Boeing C97 Stratofreighter
- May,1945 Vultee XP54 "Swoose Goose
- Jun,1945 McDonnell XP-67 "Moonbat"
- Jul,1945 Curtiss-Wright CW-24 / XP-55 Ascender
- Aug,1945 Bell XP-77
- Sep,1945 Grumman Tigercat
- Oct,1945 Douglas C-54 Skymaster
- Nov,1945 Piper PA-8 Sky Cycle
- Dec,1945 Lockheed P-80 "Shooting Star"
- Jan,1946 Republic RC-3 "Seabee"
- Feb,1946 Ryan FR-1 Fireball
- Mar,1946 Culver Model V
- Apr,1946 XFG-1 Glider
- Aug,1946 Douglas XB-42 "Mixmaster"
- May,1946 Bowlus "Bumblebee"
- Jun,1946 Grumman F4F "Bearcat"
- Jul,1946 Ryan Navion
- Sep,1946 Luscombe Model 10
- Oct,1946 Dassault Ouragan
- Nov,1946 Northrop XB-35 Flying Wing
- Dec,1946 EDO XOSE-1
- Jan,1947 Vought XF5U Flying Flapjack
- Feb,1947 Supermarine E 10/44 Jet Fighter ("Attacker")
- Mar,1947 Bell XS-1
- Apr,1947 Curtiss SC-1 Seahawk
- May,1947 Ryan FR-1 Fireball
- Jun,1947 EoN Olympia Glider
- Jul,1947 Martin P4M Mercator
- Aug,1947 Thorp T-11 "Sky Skooter"
- Sep,1947 Grumman G73 "Mallard"
- Oct,1947 Curtiss XF-15C
- Nov,1947 Goodyear GA-2
- Dec,1947 Martin 2-0-2
- Jan,1948 Boeing B-47 "Stratojet"
- Feb,1948 Chester "Sweet Pea"
- Mar,1948 Luscombe Silvaire Sedan
- Apr,1948 Grumman_Panther
- May,1948 Douglas DC-4
- Jun,1948 Grumman XTBF3-1 Guardian
- Jul,1948 AFA Streak 225
- Aug,1948 Martin AM-1 Mauler
- Sep,1948 Don McGowan and his glider-towing gas model
- Oct,1948 Microfilm-covered indoor rubber model
- Nov,1948 CO2 Powered flying boat
- Dec,1948 Frank Ehling's Free-flight Stick model
- Jan,1949 Gee Bee 11 (Model by Robert Haack)
- Feb,1949 Sandy Hill andr prize-winning model
- Mar,1949 The "Shrimp" designed for "Infant Torpedo"
- Apr,1949 Scale Fokker Triplane
- May,1949 "Rise-off-Water" (R.O.W.) Competitor
- Jun,1949 "Eureka" rubber-powered Wakefield
- Jul,1949 20th anniversary commemorative issue
- Aug,1949 Class B free-flight model
- Sep,1949 Radio Control
- Oct,1949 Winding the rubber motor
- Nov,1949 Weighing a "Rise-Off-Water" Model
- Dec,1949 Ski-mounted free-flight model
- Jan,1950 Albatros D. III
- Feb,1950 WACO Biplane and Morton M-5 Engine
- Mar,1950 Class D Free-flight Model
- Apr,1950 Martin XB51
- May,1950 Woman Flying an Indoor Microfilm Plane
- Jun,1950 Piper 125 "Pacer"
- Jul,1950 Curtiss Condor (Military)
- Aug,1950 Betty Skelton Flying Pitts S-1 "Little Stinker"
- Sep,1950 North American T-28 Trainer
- Oct,1950 Colonial Skimmer
- Nov,1950 French S.N.C.A. S.O.-7060-65 "Deauville"
- Dec,1950 Douglas A2D "Skyshark"
- Jan,1951 Fletcher FL-23
- Mar,1951 Mikoyan-Gurevitch MiG 15
- Feb,1951 Lockheed F-90
- Apr,1951 Boulton-Paul Delta
- May,1951 Republic F-84-F
- Jun,1951 de Havilland D.H.100 Vampire
- Jul,1951 Canberra
- Aug,1951 North American F-86 Sabre
- Sep,1951 Floatplane "Cubee"
- Oct,1951 Boeing B-50D Superbomber (SAC)
- Nov,1951 FMA I.A.27 Pulqui
- Dec,1951 Hawker P.1081
- Jan,1952 North American "Savage"
- Feb,1952 Semi-scale SPAD D. XIII
- Mar,1952 Republic XF-91 "Thunderceptor"
- Apr,1952 de Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen
- May,1952 Northrop Scorpion
- Jun,1952 Gloster Javelin
- Jul,1952 SAAB 21R
- Aug,1952 Dassault MD.454 Mystère IV
- Sep,1952 Class C gas powered airplane
- Oct,1952 Vought Cutlass
- Nov,1952 Lockheed F-94 "Starfire"
- Dec,1952 Large Scale RC Ercoupe
- Jan,1953 Curtiss Hawk Under the Christmas Tree
- Feb,1953 Nieuport M-28
- Mar,1953 Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5
- Apr,1953 SAAB 210 "Draken"
- May,1953 Sopwith Camel
- Jun,1953 Grumman Cougar
- Jul,1953 Boeing P-26 "Peashooter"
- Aug,1953 Chance-Vought F4U "Corsair"
- Sep,1953 Gee Bee 11
- Oct,1953 Short SB5
- Nov,1953 Fokker Dr. I "Dreidecker" (Triplane)
- Dec,1953 AVRO CF-100
- Jan,1954 Curtiss Helldiver
- Feb,1954 Supermarine Swift
- Mar,1954 Ford Trimotor
- Apr,1954 Douglas F4D Skyray
- May,1954 SPAD D XIII
- Jun,1954 Handley-Page "Victor"
- Jul,1954 Experimental R/C Model
- Aug,1954 McDonnell Demon and Boeing F4B-1
- Sep,1954 Curtiss JND-4 "Jenny"
- Oct,1954 McDonell Douglas X4AD-1 (A-4 Skyhawk)
- Nov,1954 Fokker D. VII
- Dec,1954 Grumman F1F Tiger
- Jan,1955 Vickers VF26 "Vampire"
- Feb,1955 AVRO Vulcan
- Mar,1955 Douglas M4
- Apr,1955 Junkers JU-87 "Stuka"
- May,1955 Weddell-Williams No. 92 Air Racer "The Utican"
- Jun,1955 P-51 "Mustang"
- August,1955 Grumman F4F Wildcat (Martlet)
- Jul,1955 The Gulfhawk
- Sep,1955 Curtiss F6C "Hawk"
- Oct,1955 Boeing F4B / P-12
- Nov,1955 Bristol Fighter
- Dec,1955 Vought O2U "Corsair"
- Jan,1956 Pfalz D.I2
- Feb,1956 Model Airplane News "X-Plane"
- Mar,1956 Travelair Biplane
- Apr,1956 CONVAIR TF-102A Delta Dagger
- May,1956 Lockheed VEGA
- Jun,1956 Aero Commander
- Jul,1956 Boeing FB-5
- Aug,1956 North American F-100
- Sep,1956 Sopwith Triplane
- Oct,1956 Chance-Vought F-8 "Crusader"
- Nov,1956 Lockheed F104-A
- Dec,1956 Albatros D5A
- Jan,1957 McDonnell Demon
- Feb,1957 Ray Downs and RC Biplane
- Mar,1957 Curtiss R3C Sea/Land Racer
- Apr,1957 Regulus Missile
- May,1957 Great Lakes Trainer
- Jun,1957 RC Lockheed P2V-5 "Neptune"
- Jul,1957 Hawker Fury
- Aug,1957 Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
- Sep,1957 B-25 H Mitcjhell
- Oct,1957 Model Airplane Tour of South Africa
- Nov,1957 Vern Clements' Floatplane
- Dec,1957 Supermarine Spitfire
- Jan,1958 P-38 Lightning
- Feb,1958 Loening OA-1A Scout Observation
- Mar,1958 Laird LC-DW-300 "Solution"
- Apr,1958 Texaco #13 Racer
- May,1958 Nieuport 28
- Jun,1958 Curtiss Sparrowhawk and Akron
- Jul,1958 WACO 9
- Aug,1958 Jetex-powered Two Stage Rocket
- Sep,1958 Curtiss Robin
- Oct,1958 Fleet Biplane
- Nov,1958 Curtiss F7C-1
- Dec,1958 Crusader F8U-3
- Jan,1959 Turner-Laird "Pesco Special" and Great Lakes Trainer
- Feb,1959 Monocoupe 90A
- Mar,1959 Curtiss T-32 "Condor"
- Apr,1959 Albatros D. V-a
- May,1959 Kinight "Twister" Variant
- Jun,1959 Salvay-Stark Skyhopper
- Jul,1959 Meyer "Little Toot"
- Aug,1959 P-40 Warhawk and Paul Mantz
- Sep,1959 Smith Miniplane
- Oct,1959 Douglas SBD "Dauntless"
- Nov,1959 Ryan ST-M-S2 (Edo Floats)
- Dec,1959 Winning 1959 Nordic Glider
- Jan,1960 Boeing P12E
- Feb,1960 Bell P-39 Airacobra
- Mar,1960 North American AT-6 "Texan"
- Apr,1960 Large Scale Model of a B-29
- May,1960 Boeing-Stearman PT-17
- Jun,1960 Thomas-Morse SC-4 Scout
- Jul,1960 Siemens-Schuckert D.IV
- Aug,1960 Full Size and Scale Model of the F8-U
- Sep,1960 Sopwith Dolphin vs Fokker D. VII
- Oct,1960 Sopwith Dolphin
- Nov,1960 Ansaldo SVA-5
- Dec,1960 Hannover Cl. III "Hannoveroner"
- Jan,1961 RAF RE-8
- Feb,1961 Fokker Eindecker E-111
- Mar,1961 Cessna T-37 "Tweet" (and AT-6 "Texan")
- Apr,1961 EWR VJ-101 VTOL Tiltmotor (Bell D-188A)
- May,1961 Andreasson BA-7 (Malmö Flygindustri MFI-9)
- Jun,1961 P80 Shooting Star and T-88
- Jul,1961 Chance-Vought Crusader 50th Naval Aviation Anniversary
- Aug,1961 Hanriot H-D 3C2
- Sep,1961 Gloster Gladiator
- Oct,1961 "Tipsy Nipper"
- Nov,1961 Bücker Bü-133C Jungmeister
- Dec,1961 Morane-Saulnier 880 "Rallye"
- Jan,1962 Aeronca C3
- Feb,1962 Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
- Mar,1962 F-100 Super Sabre
- Apr,1962 RC Model North American FJ-3 Fury
- May,1962 Sikorsky HO4S Helicopter
- Jun,1962 RC Model Piper Commanche
- Jul,1962 Convair B-58 "Hustler"
- Aug,1962 WW2 RAF Westland Lysander
- Sep,1962 Navy BF2C Curtiss "Goshawk"
- Oct,1962 RC Scale Model B-25
- Nov,1962 Hawker Harrier
- Dec,1962 WACO RN-F
- Jan,1963 Ed Kazmirski and "Taurus"
- Feb,1963 Indoor Models
- Mar,1963 Fokker D. VIII
- Apr,1963 Experimental Pressure Suit
- May,1963 Brunner-Winkle "Bird"
- Jun,1963 Nieuport M-28
- Jul,1963 RC Scale Nieuport 27
- Aug,1963 DFW B-1
- Sep,1963 RAF BE-2
- Oct,1963 A T-28 Lands on the USS Lexington
- Nov,1963 Breguet 14A2
- Dec,1963 Scale Model P-61 "Black Widow"
- Jan,1964 Bleriot X-1 "La Manche"
- Feb,1964 Sopwith "Baby" Seaplane
- Mar,1964 Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.2b and FE2d
- Apr,1964 RC Scale P-38 Lightning
- May,1964 R.A.F. BE-12
- Jun,1964 Sopwith Pup
- Jul,1964 Armstrong-Whitworth FK8
- Aug,1964 Etrich "Taube"
- Sep,1964 Mach 3 A-11
- Oct,1964 "Zippy the Chimp" and "Zippy the Plane"
- Nov,1964 Restored P-51 Mustang
- Dec,1964 Salmson 2
- Jan,1965 Voisin LA
- Feb,1965 HIAA Cruise on the USS Lexington
- Mar,1965 1916 Boeing B&W
- Apr,1965 Morane Saulnier Type G
- May,1965 Lloyd C-1
- Jun,1965 Goldberg Ranger 28
- Jul,1965 Morane-Saulnier "Bullet"
- Aug,1965 Blackburn R.T.-1 "Kangoroo"
- Sep,1965 "Enterprise Jr." Model Aircraft Carrier .
- Oct,1965 AIRCO deHaviland No. 9 (DH-9)
- Nov,1965 "La Flecha" RC Model
- Dec,1965 Berliner-Joyce P-16
- Jan,1966 Gloster F9/37
- Feb,1966 RC Scale Model P-39
- Mar,1966 Boeing XF3B
- Apr,1966 XSBC-4 two place scout Bomber
- May,1966 "Bolero" Built From Plans in MAN
- Jun,1966 Curtiss SOC2
- Jul,1966 German A.E.G B-11 and C-11
- Aug,1966 Rumpler C.V.
- Sep,1966 RC Scale PBY "Catalina"
- Oct,1966 Full-size and Scale Aeronca C-3 "Collegiate"
- Nov,1966 Fairey F.128 (N.10)
- Dec,1966 Keystone LB-6 Panther
- Jan,1967 DeHaviland Cirrus Moth
- Feb,1967 RC Fleet Model 1
- Mar,1967 Junkers CL-1
- Apr,1967 RC Model Oily Bird
- May,1967 Nieuport Type II "Bebe" or "13"
- Jun,1967 Scale Dehavilland Chipmunk
- Jul,1967 Ryan ST-A
- Aug,1967 Sandy Dennis and Anthoby Newley
- Sep,1967 Control Line Combat. Plane Super Satan
- Oct,1967 Waco YKC
- Nov,1967 Curtiss AT-9 "Jeep"
- Dec,1967 Ray Stits "Playboy"
- Jan,1968 Smith Miniplane
- Feb,1968 Mark II Kwik-Fli
- Mar,1968 Scale Model Lanier Midget
- Apr,1968 US Air Force Cadets and Models
- May,1968 Bushby-Long Mustang II
- Jun,1968 Irwin Ohlsson
- Jul,1968 RC Model YAK 18P
- Aug,1968 Full Size and Scale FA-200
- Sep,1968 MAN 2-3-4 Digital RC System
- Oct,1968 Large Scale Fairchild 24
- Nov,1968 Large Scale Grumman Albatross
- Dec,1968 Thorp T-18
- Jan,1969 Monogram Models New Model B-52
- Feb,1969 Curtiss Falcon Transport Version
- Mar,1969 Scale PT-19 at Daytona Beach
- Apr,1969 Scale Boeing XF8B-1
- May,1969 Curtiss NC-4 (Artist: Tom Wilbur, USN)
- Jun,1969 Scale Provost T Mark 1
- Jul,1969 Large Soaring Gliders
- Aug,1969 Homebuilt Baby Ace and Smith Miniplane
- Sep,1969 Convair TF-102
- Oct,1969 Free-flight Fokker Spider III
- Nov,1969 R/C Piper Twin Commanche
- Dec,1969 Full Size Spad and Scale Fokker D.VII
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