Contact Lindy Week!
We really want to hear from you! Please email us with Reviews, Upcoming Events, photos, or just about anything you'd like to share with the Lindy Community...

NOTE: During the first two weeks of June, 2007 we experienced a MAJOR spam attack that decimated our mailbox. Accordingly, we have instituted some security precautions that will enable us to see mail from the good guys and to keep the bad guys out. Unfortunately, this is going to take some work on your part [see below]. If you sent us an e-mail and didn't get a response, it was because our mail was out of commission. Please re-send your note!

We're glad to help out with most things, but there are a few things that we DON'T do:

  1. We don't sell ANYTHING! Nothing, zip, nada. All we do is write about historical artifacts.
  2. We don't buy ANYTHING! We don't have want-ads and we don't connect buyers and sellers.
  3. We don't appraise ANYTHING! Unless I can hold it in my hands, I have NO IDEA what an antique or collectible is worth.
  4. We can't decode serial numbers! Most of our retro appliances were made by companies that have been ravaged time and again by corporate takeovers. All the records have been tossed away. For most appliances, I can cite at least three separate forms of serial numbers. There are no experts in this field.
  5. We can't tell you when it was made. Most of these things were made 60 to 80 years ago by companies that no longer exist. There are lots of pay sites that will give you an opinion. If you believe the old saw that "if it's expensive, it must be good", get some advice from the pay sites.
  6. We don't endorse any claims made on "Online Auctions" If someone says that we reccommend their product, they are lying!
  7. We are not Antique Dealers

UNFORTUNATELY, the rash of Spam, Viruses, Worms, and other total garbage on the net has also forced us to take some Security Precautions. Lots of people write us with things like "HI!" or "Question" or "Need Help" in the subject line of the E-mail. Furthermore, many people have cute little emoticons in their signature line. It is too bad that Spammers and Virus Propagators also use some of these tricks as well. In order to listen to the world, I have to give you an e-mail address (below). This means that Robot programs will find it and put it on their "to be Spammed" list. Thus, in addition to all the very nice letters about dancing, ironing machines, model airplanes and the rest, every morning I am deluged with not so nice letters. [like ads for health products, Nigerian financial schemes, ladies doing almost anything, and a wide assortment of other stuff that I don't care to look at.] About 10% of the e-mails carry some kind of virus, worm, or other insidious attachment.

So, I need a LITTLE bit of help from you. Take a look at this picture:

code of the week
This is The Picture with the CODE WORD in green
Use the CODE WORD in the Subject Line of your E-mail...

Note that it has a word in it. You can see this, but Spam robots cannot. So, please compose your SUBJECT LINE as follows:

  1. Put in the code word from the picture above. (I will try to keep them humorous, but tasteful)
  2. Give one or two words to let me know what you are writing about
  3. Spare us the charming little emoticons

Here are some examples, assuming that the code word is "CODEWORD"

"CODEWORD: Ironing Machine"
"CODEWORD: Your Calendar Stinks"
"CODEWORD: Pictures of my Cedar Chest"
"CODEWORD: My 6 Year Old Makes Better Model Airplanes"

Of course, you would use the code word that is in the picture... feel free to send me pictures of dancing, vintage clothes, cedar chests, ironing machines, model airplanes, or whatever.

If you JUST got your VERY FIRST computer, this may seem very complicated. No problem: Just find an 8 year old child. He/she can help you out just fine. If you cannot find an 8 year old, just put this in the subject line:

"Help, need an 8-Year Old"

Now that you are fully informed about the process, please address your e-mail to:
I shall leave it to you to fill in the correct symbols to further fool the spambots. [at=@, dot = .]

Sorry for this inconvenience, but one day in April, 2007 we got over 20,000 spam e-mails.


Some of my readers have installed "Spam Fighting" software that restricts delivery only to "registered users" (makes sense). If I get a request from you and you have not allowed me to send you mail, then I will be asked to "join". Although your system is fine, other "phishing" schemes are not. Please be advised that I DO NOT register with anybody for anything. If you want an e-mail back from me, either register me with your system beforehand or get a toss-away address from hotmail or AOL.

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