![]() The Solution! | |||||||
Hi Lindy
Hoppers!!! Thanks for everything, Marc | |||||||
Detective Morra (stop) Guard arrested for willful murder of Arthur J. Kilmington (stop) Kilmington's pocket picked by waitress at 8:25 and passed to waiter (stop) Not possible that Kilmington would NOT have made a scene if he noticed watch missing (stop) Clinched by first class passenger who said man of Kilmington's description asked the time at 8:50 (stop) If man had been Kilmington, would have consulted own watch first and found it missing (stop) Would have reported theft (stop) No record of reported theft, Kilmington did not return to dining car to look for watch (stop) Means he was murdered before aware of loss, shortly after leaving compartment at 8:27 (stop) Guard said he talked to Kilmington at 9PM (stop) Therefore Guard lying (stop) Blizzard diminished at 8:55 (stop) Morra found Kilmington buried under snow (stop) Had to be murdered before 8:55 (stop) Guard lied (stop) Hat had only dusting of snow as Frank Morra observed(stop) Hat used by Guard to impersonate Kilmington and create alibi (stop) Guard returned to scene and dropped hat but later time meant less snow on hat (stop) Motive medical need (stop) Guard's pay would not cover best surgeon in Glasgow (stop) Kilmington had tossed out mailbags during previous robbery (stop) Had locked van to make it look like he was sleeping (stop) Was being reported for being out (Stop) Kilmington would have pieced it together and was killed when threatened to turn guard in (stop) David Horne is suspected mastermind of big robbery (stop) David knew where bags thrown out (stop) David called the jewelry a necklace (which it was) as opposed to the bracelet (which Frank said) (stop) David upset by the falsely planted information that the necklace was worth more than he fenced it for (stop) Keep watchful eye on David Horne (stop) A. C. Doyle ![]() He's still asleep... but we're watching him Last Will and Testament of Arthur J. Kilmington (Part I) I Arthur J. Kilmington, being of sound mind and body, at least at the time that I wrote this, do bequeath my estate, after cause of my death is determined, and, in the case of foul play, that the perpetrators are identified. Upon successful completion of this first clause I provide this first step in locating the second portion of my will and the remainder of my estate. In the case that the treasure is not located, the estate will be awarded to the heirs of the stated beneficiaries when the estate and will are located. After reading this, a massive treasure hunt ensued, involving clues that required solving crossword puzzles, knowledge of Polish, cryptograms and other mind-boggling exercises of intellect. We finally found the treasure in my clothes dryer...Last Will and Testament of Arthur J. Kilmington (Part II) I Arthur J. Kilmington, being of sound mind and body, at least at the time that I wrote this, do bequeath my estate as follows: To David Horne, hey buddy they say if you are not lucky in cards, you might be lucky in love. But I know you could never give up cards so . . . To Connie Lausten, you are a good worker, but listen, you should have more fun. You would blossom with a guy like David Horne, and might even get him to go straight, or perhaps not quite so crooked. To Connie and David, some encouragement, if you are so inclined. ![]() Champagne Flutes for Two To Frank Morra, old buddy, you have earned a break. Don't wear the suit all the time. Think blue sky. ![]() A Vintage Sport Shirt To Karyn Jarboe, you are a doll. You are always doing good things. But I know there is tiger in your tank. Let it out doll. ![]() ![]() faux Tiger Shoes and Purse To Ellen Engle, the world can be a beautiful place, work hard, play hard, stay soft. ![]() A Wonderful Vintage Silk Blouse To Karen Kogok, you said I took everything from you when we split. I'm not saying that's true, but I thought I would return the dress you wore on our first date. ![]() A Great Looking Vintage Dress To Sandra Narva, not a lot of women have your kind of moxie, making it in a man's world. Next time you are in the board room, thought you might want to make the boys see red. ![]() A Vintage Red Sweater To Tony Nesky, now that I am gone, I thought I would let you know that your father was a friend of mine. He did not want you to go to war. And he did not want you to die for no reason. But this is a war that has to be fought, and I know he would approve. So, in your box, you will find something from him and me. And when you return to your squadron, there will be a new set of wings as well. ![]() A WWII Ike Jacket To Mark Walvoord, nice threads. And I know you got an eye on my niece. If you are smart enough to marry her, I leave you a lucky tie to help you get a job you love and that pays the rent. ![]() A Vintage Bow Tie To Catherine Weber, now that I am dead I can tell you that you are my only niece. I have watched your life from a distance and you have grown up to be a very good, talented and beautiful woman. You always strive to do good. Unfortunately being good does not necessarily pay the rent. On the other hand, it is a great thing to have in a niece, so I leave the bulk of my estate to you with which to have fun and do good things. ![]() Rosie the Riveter Posable Action Figure ![]() French Robin Hood Miniatures ![]() Vintage Christmas Ornaments ![]() Book about the 1940s House ![]() French Swing CDs Signed, | |||||||
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