TTTPatriotic Posters
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Patriotic Posters

Here is a group of patriotic posters that were published by the U.S. Office of War Information durig the Second World war. None of the images is copyrighted, so you may feel free to download them and use them. They make great screen savers, and you can send them to your friends in e-mails. Click on the "thumbnail" and you will see the full sized image. All of the large images are in "JPG" format and are about 300 pixels wide. Put the mouse on the image and click on the right button --- a pop-up menu will appear and you can choose to save the image --- or --- to save it as wallpaper.
War Bonds
Title: War Bonds
Date: 1943

Give it Your Best
Title: Give It Your best
Date: 1942

Freedom from Fear
Title: Freedom from Fear
Date: 1944

Half Slave and Half Free
Title: Half Slave and Half Free
Date: 1942

Get Hot
Title: Get Hot -- keep Moving
Date: 1943

Marines Recruiting
Title: Marine Recruiting Poster
Date: 1917

Navy Recruiting
Title: Navy Recruiting Poster
Date: 1917

Rosie the Riveter
Title: We Can Do It (Rosie the Riveter)
Date: 1944

Title: Talk of Sacrifice
Date: 1941

Uncle Sam
Title: I Want You (Uncle Sam)
Date: 1917

While you are loading your patriotic posters, you might want to sing God Bless America with Kate Smith

You can also download an animated American Flag Screen Saver, once again, free.

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