The Mutual Manhattan
Variety Cavalcade
In a Live Broadcast from the Hotel Astor's Algonquin Room, Broadway between 44th and 45th Streets, New York City December 21, 1942
Actually, the date was August 3, 2002 and the place was Bishop Ireton High School Audiitorium in Alexandria, but the mood was the same. It was also Ellen Engle's **th birthday.
The evening began at Maggianos where 8 vintage clad couples arrived to celebrate with a Family Style dinner. They served so much food that we could barely get up from the table...
From there, we journeyed to Alexandria for the a play called "The 1940s Radio Hour" -- a very interesting evening of song and dance that puportedly took place inside a seedy radio studio; we were the Audience, and dutifully responded to the "applause" light. This was the last performance of the play, and with some inside help from Sally Hile (of Lasalle Dance Orchestra fame), we were able to add some swing dancing to the play's epilogue. (or whatever you call the music that is played when people leave the theater...)
We think that the Birthday Girl enjoyed the festivities.
Without further ado, here are the Pix:

The Zoot Doubleman Orchestra
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis

Ellen and Marc
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis

The Birthday Girl Dances with Mike Henry
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis

Sally Hile and Mike Henry

The Lovely Young Ladies
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis

The Guys
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis

Everyone Packed Together
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis

Sandra, with a pack of Admirers
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis

Catherine Weber and Mark Walvoord

Margie and Tony

Page and Tuan

Chrissy and Mike
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis

Detail of Fabric on Chrissy's Dress
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis Tiny orange, green &
eggplant geometric pattern on a mid-1930s cotton dress
with butterfly sleeves.

Connie Lausten and David Horne

Sandra and Tom

Marsha and Tom

Karen and Karyn

Karyn and Frank
Photo Credit: Chrissy Hall-Reis Vintage repro dress from a 1941 pattern by Eva Motta