Maxie's Birthday CardHappy Birthday Maxie!
Hi Lindy Hoppers!!!
Maxie Dorf
Maxie Dorf
Check out our Photo Essay on Maxie


Send your greetings to the birthday boy: Maxie Dorf

Today, March 8, 1999 is Maxie Dorf's birthday. Maxie was born in 1921 and won his first Big Time dance contest in 1935. He appeared in numerous movies, including the classic "Start Cheering" and "Junior Prom" --- films from which all of you have stolen moves --- as well as most of the Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland things. Maxie was one of those talented kids who could "put on a show" at the drop of a hat in somebody's barn.

During World War II (and the Korean War), Maxie served with distinction as a combat cameraman and a lot of his footage may be seen in the Victory at Sea series that is more-or-less constantly rerun on the History Channel

Along with Gil Fernandez, Lolly Wise, and Hal Takier, Maxie was one of the "Big Four" California dance champions who knocked the country out with their high speed blend of Balboa and Swing. (Maxie calls it "Bal Swing") During 1937 and 1938, the "Big Four" toured up and down the California coast with Whitey's Lindy Hoppers in Dance Contests that were attended by thousands.

Of course, there is no reason to use the past tense --- Maxie N*E*V*E*R quit dancing. All of the DC folks have thrilled to his tapes from the 60s, 70s and 80s when we see absolutely dynamite moves being done by folks in polyester bell bottoms. There is even a gold chain or two to be seen... and not hanging from the belt loop of a zoot suit, either. Maxie and his friends have kept this alive during the Dark Ages for all of us to enjoy now.

Maxie writes to say that he is going out dancing tonight! So, we want all of our teenagers to remember that you only have 60-70 more years to dance, so make the best of what you have. Go out dancing tonight --- time is flying! But, take a minute before you go out to drop Maxie a Happy Birthday note! And --- do your part to keep the legacy going --- learn Balboa and teach it to your friends!

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